Bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Church visited BSTU

Delegation of representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church had visited BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, headed by the lord of Pachomius (Gachichem) - Bishop Vranskim. The guests met with the vice rector for international activities, Professor RV. Lesovik, toured the campus and visited the Serbian Resource Center of the University, who recently received the status of the Institute for Serbian Language and Communication.


Lord Pahomiy repeatedly visited Belgorod for church affairs and also hosted representatives of our city and university. The Vranava diocese has been cooperating with the university for many years through the Russian Orthodox Cultural Center in the town of Bujanovac (Republic of Serbia). When we first arrived in Belgorod in 2011, Vladyka visited our university on the Day of Orthodox Youth.


Director of the Institute of Serbian Language and Communications Victoria Ryapukhina told the guests about how the students of the BSTU is studying Serbian culture and language, which books are read in Serbian and what kind of music is being listened to, she led the guests through the resource center and showed a small exhibition exposition devoted to Serbia. Lord Pakhomiya sincerely touched the center's logo - the heart with the arms of Serbia inside.




Vice-rector for international activities of the university Ruslan Lesovik held a small tour of the student campus, showed the panorama of the city from the university's viewing platform and told about the university. Professor Lesovikhad to answer many questions.The guests liked the university very much, they promised to tell about it the youth of the Vranje diocese and to contribute to the replenishment of the Serbian students in BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.

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