Cooperation with countries of the former Yugoslavia

On the  4 of August visited the delegation consisting of the Chairman of the Association of Alumni of Soviet and Russian Universities from Montenegro, the General Secretary of the Association of Graduates of Soviet and Russian Universities from Serbia Petar Paikovich (Podgorica, Montenegro - Belgrade, Serbia), the representative of the business community A.Zdebsky(Moscow) and the leaders of the Inter-regional Club "Russian-Serbian Dialogue" Y.Osenkov and O.Osenkova (Voronezh) had visited BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.


The University is associated with the Association for partnership and friendly relations since April 2011. While the first visit to our university P. Paikovich and A. Zdebsky signed an agreement on cooperation.


The university's cooperation with the inter-regional club "Russian-Serbian Dialogue" began a year ago, the most intensive interaction is carried out through the Institute of Serbian Language and Communications (formerly the Serbian Resource Center)at  BSTU. A number of joint activities have already been carried out and a number of projects have been implemented. On the initiative of the club, one of the Russian premieres of the film "Spomenko on eternal guard" was organized by the club on the basis of the university, the representatives of the club participated in the event "Serbian evening", and the delegation of our university was present in Voronezh at the event "Serbian days in Black Earth ».


During the meeting with the leadership of the university, headed by the rector S.N. Glagolev discussed the details of the future visit of the student delegation of the University in Podgorica, the prospects of organizing an international youth Orthodox forum jointly with Montenegrin colleagues, as well as the development of cooperation in the field of distance education for citizens of the former Yugoslavia in BSTU. V.G. Shukhova. Petar Pajkovic also conveyed an invitation to Sergey Nikolayevich to visit the State Montenegrin University on an official visit.

Yevgeny and Olga Osenkov spoke about the planned joint projects and prospects for cooperation with Belgorod, and presented the leadership of the university with the project of holding the event "Serb Days in the Black Earth" in 2018 in Belgorod.

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