Russian language is the language of communication in BSTU

Annual summer language school of BSTU named after V.G.Shukhov successfully completed.

During the month, guests from Serbia, France, Morocco, Egypt, Israel, the United States and many other countries devoted their time to studying the Russian language at the annual summer school on the "Study + Rest" program.


During this time, the students achieved good results. "Before, I could understand a Russian-speaking person only when he spoke very slowly, now I have become better at understanding spoken language," a student from Serbia, admits. Such a result is the merit of the professional work of teachers and staff of the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens of the BSTU.

The organizers tried to prepare a rich educational and cultural program for the listeners. The final event was "Friendship Dance" - it gathered all the listeners of the summer school andguests from different countries. 


All the participants of the language school tried to show their talents at the final evening of friendship. A group of Palestinian students performed a national dance, Serbian students sang patriotic songs of their homeland, the French listener played the song "Bend the Yellow Guitar" to their own accompaniment and with the help of the choir of their friends. Some read poetry in Russian. And the most striking performance was the performance of the military song "Katyusha" with a joint international chorus of listeners of the elective "Musical phonetics".


The joy of communicating with each other, the expansion of cultural ties - the main thing that attracts participants of the summer language school.

"Perhaps the most important thing is that now I have friends in Russia, Serbia, Italy, France, Morocco and other countries, and if I want, I can communicate in Russian," said Anna from Palestine.


The main wish of the Dean of the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens, Associate Professor E. N. Lyogochkina at the beginning of this change of the language school was that by the end of the month of classes participants could understand each other without an interpreter.


 "Dance of friendship" proved that the interpreter for international communication to students is no longer needed.

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