Internship in the universities of Serbia

During the month, thirty-five students of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov passed an internship in the universities of Serbia.


This is the largest group of students recently participating in the foreign exchange program. Moreover, several faculties and specialties were involved at the same time. Thirty people studied at the Nish University in the economic, machine-building and philosophical faculties, as well as at the Faculty of Life Safety and at the Higher Technical School of Vocational Education in the city of Nis for building specialties. In the city of Banya Luka at the philological and economic faculties.


"Despite the fact that they studied in the same city, they met with each other rarely - everyone had an individual and very rich program," says the exchange participant Ivan Makushchenko. Conditions were very good. Students liked everything: and how friendly the Serbs were to them and amazing nature. Warmth, everything is blooming, the sky is bright, the weather is sunny. Unusually delicious food! There are a lot of historical monuments.


Many thanks to the staff of the Serbian Resource Center for the fact that they gave very good language training and perfectly prepared our stay in Serbia.

The participants of the project note the high level of teaching, and the exactingness of the Serbian teachers. They also visited the Russian-Serbian cultural center, where they studied Serbian, they could communicate with business representatives and production workers.


Currently, the guys are preparing reports on the internship, want to believe that the acquired knowledge and experience will be useful in learning and further professional activities.

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