The 1st Council meeting of local associations of foreign students in this year

The first in this year's Council meeting of local associations of foreign students was held in the resource center of the French and German languages at the ​​BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.

 It was attended by representatives of Asian and African countries, whose citizens are studying in our university.

The participants discussed the implementation of the final decision of the Council meeting held in late December 2016, the resettlement of some of the students in accordance with the principle of belonging to the fraternities. The Chair confirmed that the group living in the dormitory of the countries is much easier than on the institutions, and expressed a desire to adhere to this principle in the future.

Head of department on work with foreign students D.Nosachev introduced the new rules visa control and re-entry of expelled students for a fee. Now students expelled from university, will be forced to leave our country, and then on the invitation to enter into it again. All the heads of local associations received a memo on migration and visa laws to get acquainted with them their wards.

On the local associations Council also discussed the timeliness of payment for accommodation in a hostel, compulsory health insurance and the coordination of invitations to potential students from other countries to study in BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.

D. Nosachev reminded of the annual meeting of foreign students, in the framework of which is scheduled to meet with representatives of the Office of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs Directorate in Belgorod region. Dmitry noted the importance of the presence at the meeting of all foreign students and the need to prepare issues for discussion with representatives of the authorities, for which the following meeting of the Council was appointed.

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