Forum of people diplomacy finished at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

Today was the final day of the forum of people's diplomacy "The role of graduates of Russian and Soviet universities in the development and dissemination of Russian education and culture in the world."



The day before, the participants visited Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture and Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law, where they participated in round tables on the topic of Russian education for foreigners.


The people's diplomats worked for more than three hours in a closed session on the formation of the final document of the forum - "Appeal to the leadership of the Russian Federation with proposals for the IV World Forum of Foreign Graduates of Russian and Soviet Universities in Moscow".


Final editing of the Appeal took place already in open mode during the final meeting of the forum at the BSTU. Each country has made its own changes and additions, some even have disputes. The participants admitted that they did not have enough time for communication and it is a great pity to part with each other and with our university - so much more can be said and done together.


At the end of stay in Belgorod, foreign guests were able to see the city, visited the diorama museum "The Fire Arc" and the regional philharmonic society, and talked with the press and students from different countries who are studying at the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.


In memory of the meeting, foreign guests took with them memorable gifts and certificates of the forum participants, solemnly handed over to them by the rector of the university S.Glagolev and the head of the department of professional education and science of the Department of Internal and Personnel Policy of the Belgorod Region A.A. Buchek.



But the main thing is the understanding by foreign guests of how many opportunities for students are opened by the BSTU. V.G. Shukhov and how high-level international meetings our university can hold.

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