International art plein air at BSTU

On the 16th of September  BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov opened up an international art plein air, which is attended by 15 artists from Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Kingdom of Jordan and Russia. This artists are well-known in their respective countries.


By tradition, the guests laid flowers at the monument to V.G.Shukhov. Among participants - participants of the international architectural plein-air, which was last year in our university.

Speaking at the meeting, Rector of the University, prof. S.N. Glagolev said that our university conducts active international activity. "Currently it signed 80 international agreements. We learn 1155 foreign citizens from 65 countries of the world. " Professor Rector recalled that last year head of the International Education and Cooperation Center made a circumnavigation motocross, in which the contracts with foreign universities in a number of countries have been concluded. An important event was the conduct of the international architectural plein air.

 Among the participants and organizers of the past and the present plein-air - a prominent figure in the culture of Egypt Osama El Serwy, which is well known in Russia. Recall that last year Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded him the Medal of Pushkin for the development of cooperation in the field of education and culture. For several years, Osama El Serwy actively cooperates with BSTU as honorary professor at the university.


Dr. Osama El Serwy noted that this event brings together well-known artists in their own countries, "Everyone has their own style, its own personality," name "in the country. We are of different ages and professions - and I think it will enrich our meeting, co-creation. We are enthusiastic about the idea to take part in this artistic forum. After all, we are very fond of Russia, like the Russians, we want to strengthen cultural ties between peoples. "

Dr. Osama introduced himself and his colleagues. To give an idea of ​​their work. Foreign artists and their Russian colleagues will work not only at BSTU and the city, but also will visit and capture on their canvases symbolic space area: Withers (Chernyansky district); Hotmyzhsk; Oak (Belgorod region), Prokhorovka. They not only occupy an important place in the history of the region and the whole of Russia, but also remarkable for its beauty and picturesque. And the upcoming Indian summer will add color to them. We are confident that the golden autumn in Belgorod inspire talented artists from Arab countries to create interesting works that will be presented to the public on September 27 when the final exhibition will be held.


A wonderful gift to all those present presented Arwa Chikhani, performed several pieces of music. She is not only a wonderful painting, but still very good at playing the violin and composes music.

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