No limits for Arts

Students of preparatory faculty for foreign citizens of BSTU show their talents not only in the home university, but also on to the regional level.

During May Art Museum had the contest of young artists "Belgorod Palette" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War and the Year of Literature. Two students of the preparatory faculty for foreign students of the University participated in it and had strong compatriots - students of art schools, colleges and institutes. Our students showed military paintings depicted in the graph.

One masterpiece of art was called "War Cry", where the young artist has depicted not only the joy of victory, but the painful memories of each participant of these terrible days. Second masterpiece called "Young soldier" - a portrait of the very young participant of the war, whose face reflected the courage and sadness.

On the June 1st there were the results of the competition, where students of the preparatory faculty received letters of thanks from the supervisors of the event for their participation in the contest and gifts. Other students came to support winners. All foreign guests was interesting to see the exhibited works of the winners of the contest, to plunge into the atmosphere of art museum and meet with young and talented members of the Belgorod region.

At the preparatory faculty it becomes a good tradition of cooperation with various cultural and educational organizations. This tradition allows foreign citizens to better adapt to life in Russia, feel more comfortable in a country where they will live the next few years, which means that relate to the country they will be with great reverence.

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