Welcome to the museum!

Teachers of the foundation department continue to show foreign students Russian history and culture.

Despite the fact that foreign students live in Belgorod a few months, they still do not know much about the history and culture of our region. In the beginning of February our teachers organized excursions to Belgorod Museum of Local History.

During a tour our foreign guests learned more about Belgorod and Belgorod region, met its flora and fauna and found out interesting information about history of the region from ancient times to the present day. Now our friends can tell about famous people of Belgorod and historical facts as well.

Students from Afghanistan, Yemen, Congo, China, Angola, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and other countries were very interested in the exhibition "Nature of the Belgorod region."  With great pleasure they shared their impressions, comparing Russian nature with the nature of his native country.

Foreign students especially liked exhibition "Placers talent of the Russian people" in the exhibition project "Parade collections". They saw a live Russian folk art item, which teachers noted in the Russian language classes.

Students were very interested in unusual exhibition "Born by sea ...", which showed the wonderful world of underwater kingdom: corals, starfish, shells of mollusks. Students saw fossil forms of marine organisms which were found in the Belgorod region.

A lot of positive moments, interesting knowledge - this is what the students have taken from the museum. Their discoveries they will share with friends and discuss them on the Russian language lessons.

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