Noble gentlemen and Fair Ladies

On March 14, 2014 the Students Art Centre became a venue of a theme night "Noble Gentlemen and Fair Ladies" arranged by the faculty staff of preparatory faculty of foreign students at Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov.

This traditional event is held to encourage foreigners’ interest to Russian language learning and to the Russian culture, as it is well known, that without knowing the culture, language learning is impossible.

The contest proved to become a sparkling and memorable show. The program included acting a Russian fairy tale, reciting verses, singing Russian songs and dancing a Russian folk dance.



The participants pleased the audience with beautiful songs and dances, with fairy tales, played in a witty, creative and expressive manner. Staging a Russian fairy tale showed how well the international students have mastered oral skills in Russian. With artistry and good sense of humor  they “told” popular Russian tales «The Giant Turnip», «Animals in the winter hut», «Magic swan geese».



The burst of applause to each performance testified to the attention, attracted to vocal and dance contest.

The final wit contest also pleased both the participants and spectators.


Selecting a winner was an undoubtedly complicated task for the Board of Judges, as all the contestants were talented and amazingly beautiful in their creative impulse. Grace, plastic art, charm, agility movement and outstanding vocal skills – all these has left a unique festive atmosphere.

A culminating point of announcing the winners has come. The judges praised the team captains, faculty members at Russian language department О. Vinogradova, К. Chumakova, N.Shmorgunova, Yu. Аgarkova, I. Savochkina, Е. Zubova.


The winners were: in «acting» nomination – Appia Philis, Vera Asante, Mwelwa Nagoma Chalwa; «reciting art» – Julian Hupendo, Abdulkarim Botan Mustafa; «vocal art» – Pertuz Molina Billy Alfonso, Hernandez Manuel Naisha Jorhea, Daud Rama; «best dancing couple» – Halak Mohamad Nader, Almobarak Falak.


By the decision of the Board of Judges the third place was awarded to "Orange" team, the second – to "Old Man, Old Woman and Co", and, at last, the first place - "Magic swan - geese". The contestants were given awards – crystal statues, letters of honor and medals.


One of the winners, Rama Daud shared her impressions:

 - I am absolutely happy with taking part in this contest. I came to Russia 6 months ago. I like Russian, that is why I decided to try. All the assignments were interesting. Especially I liked a reciting contest. To tell the truth, I have never expected to find myself among the best in the «Vocal Art» nomination, as many of my peers deserved to be winners. However, I was very happy.

The contest «Noble Gentlemen and Fair Ladies» is an annual event at the preparatory faculty. This year’s students said that they would visit this contest the following year, but, to their regret, as spectators. 

Valeria Borisova

photo by Georgiy Alexandrov




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