Generous evening, good evening


Old New Year - the wording itself is puzzling for foreigners. It reflected the complexity and inconsistency of the wide and mysterious Russian soul . Staff at the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens decided to acquaint the students with great traditions associated with this, in the full sense, unique national holiday .


And here are some of the groups led by the tutors are learning how to make dumplings. While the students  are kneading the dough, putting the stuffing inside, seal their products , deputy dean for education Ksenia Pozdnjakova tells about the traditions associated with this " ritual food ." Under cheerful chatter and laughter the filling is hiding "predictions" - coins, strings, beans, pepper ...


And while the dish is being cooked – the young people are learning " Schedrovka " – with such songs people used to visit houses with holiday greetings, congratulations and wishing good luck in the new year. And they, in turn , treated the friendly visitors as the evening was called “generous” with  a lot of delicious things on the table.
For most foreign students dumplings is an unfamiliar meal, even its name is not easy to pronounce, but after the dish has been prepared and cooked jointly, they are trying it with pleasure. And, of course, promise to teach this art to their relatives and friends back home. And of course, with the excitement they reveal the predictions: rejoicing in a  coin symbolizing wealth and a piece of candy ( the image of the sweet life ) .



And what  a holiday can be  without a fun song? The students learned the Christmas song, which came out very touching. The Holiday program continued on January 14 – the foreign students became participants of Christmas celebrations.


Such activities not only allow to better and faster master the Russian language, but also to successfully adapt to an unfamiliar social and cultural environment in the country , which is so very different from the native, familiar and loved. In addition to the traditional Christmas holidays, the department spend a great amount of  education  work. They organize numerous events , excursions to Holkovsky monastery and ethnographic museum " Spring ", meetings in schools and  kindergartens. And, of course, rendre warm motherly care for young men and ladies who find themselves far from home.

                                                                                                                               Victoria Goryaynova
                                                                                                                               photo Olesya Kluchevskaya



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