Sixty Minutes across the Globe


Preparatory faculty for foreign citizens at Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov collected the most creative and initiative teachers as well as the most open and artistically gifted students from around the world . Again it has been confirmed by the event , held on November 22 at the Students Art Centre.
About 200 students from 35 countries are currently taking a foundation course at BSTU. To acquaint them and make them friends is an objective, successfully solved by the staff of the Russian language department.


In the opening ceremony of the festival of national cultures , the Dean   of the   Faculty Ph.D. E.N. Legochkina addressed the audience with a greeting: "You have come to Russia to get education and qualification, become the elite of your countries. Remember that education is a thing that can never be  taken away from you, a thing you can never  lose! "


The senior students , to whom the Dean gave awards, diplomas and certificates of honor on this event shared their experiences in studying Russian language with their younger mates. They talked about how it was difficult in the beginning to get used to new conditions , and then how they loved this university , the city and country where they study . And they were helped by the staff of the Russian language department, to whom the students can always turn to for support, who arrange numerous excursions and activities for young people to successfully adapt to new conditions.
The Festival organizers demonstrated a non-standard approach to the event.


The stage of the concert hall was converted into an exhibition hall, where household items and souvenirs from different countries were displayed. The students solemnly carried the flags of Angola and Afghanistan, China and Colombia , Peru and Swaziland , Vietnam and Ghana. The stage could hardly accommodate 35 people carrying national banners. The students also prepared video presentations, acquainting the audience with places of interest in their countries.


It was followed by a veritable kaleidoscope - a creative journey across countries and continents. Sad tunes of the Syrian people were changed by reassuring " Kudur " dance performed by the representatives of Angola . A fiery dance of solar Colombia was followed by sensible singing of a duet from Brazil and Cape Verde.
Syrian , Afghan , Latin America national dances  met the most enthusiastic response from the public. Songs were performed in the Portuguese and Spanish, English , French, Arabic and Chinese languages. It is significant that some of the young people have managed to make friends and have established international creative teams. And there were those who were able to show off their command of the Russian language.


Festival of national cultures had been over, but the participants could not leave the hall for  long . Young gentlemen and ladies became imbued with respect , interest and warm attitude to the representatives of different nations.




On this day, they were talking about the globe as a habitat where we all live, people in different countries dreaming of a peaceful life, about love, happiness and prosperity.

Victoria Goryaynova ,
photo Olesya Kluchevskaya


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