World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims — November 17


According to the general assembly resolution of UNO, third Sunday of November is the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. This event serves to bring the attention of government and responsible bodies all around the world to the necessity to ensure road safety to all people. According to UN statistics more than 3000 people die in road accidents and around 100 000 get injured throughout the world. Most of them are young and active people.

The aim of the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims is to pay a tribute to victims of road traffic accident and express condolences to their families.  20 to 50 million people get  injured.  More than 50% of all fatal injuries due to road traffic accidents account for the age group from 15 to 44 years old.

Over 80 students of transportation technology institute , as well as members of Youth squad of public inspectors of traffic police in the Belgorod region.



Belgorod State Traffic Safety Inspectorate in cooperation with Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov carried out the event « Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims » with the aim to pay people’s attention to the problem.


Students specializing in  "Traffic management and  safety" prepared themed posters that during the campaign showed road users. The handed out leaflets with information about the accident that occurred in the Belgorod region. At the end of the memory watch young people launched white and black balloons symbolizing zebra crossing.

I.А.Novikov, Head of the department “Road management and safety”




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