A Language Test to Obtain Russian Citizenship


Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov holds exams in the Russian language for foreigners and stateless persons who intend to obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation.

Our address: 308600 Russia, Belgorod, Kostyukov str. 46, Belgorod Sate Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov, main academic building, office № 623, 723, 726, tel.: +7(4722)30-99-19, +7(4722)42-08-08, fax: +7(4722)30-99-19, e-mail:  RKI-BGTU1@yandex.ru; legochkina@yandex.ru


The exam is held at the Russian Language Department every Thursday.
The exam consists of the following tests:
- Reading;
- Writing;
- Vocabulary / grammar;
- Listening;
- An oral examination, oral speech.
Exam duration - about 4.5 hours.
The certificate shall be issued within 30 days after the exam.
For testing, applicants should register at the Center for certification testing at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov (room 623, 723 of the main academic building). To do this, a candidate must, no later than 2 days before the scheduled exam date, come to the University to write an application and pay the examination charges. The application form must be filled in personally by the candidate in the presence of a center certification testing staff. You must have proof of identity (passport or residence permit), and a copy of the first page of the passport or the last page of a residence permit.
Certificate of state testing in the Russian language is a document of strict accountability so issued to successful candidates from testing personally or an attorney person if he has a power of attorney. For cooperation issues please address of Certification Testing Centre at BSTU.

Elena Nikolaevna Legochkina, director +7(4722)30-99-19, +79202014444, office 623.

Olga Arkadievna Guzeva, chief specialist  +7(4722)42-08-08,  office 723.

Elena Sergeevna Parkhomova, chief specialist +7(4722)42-08-08, office 723.



Личный кабинет
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Times New Roman
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Черным по белому
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Темно-синим по голубому
Коричневым по бежевому
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