INTAMT Academy and Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov: a course towards approchement


A business trip of a group of BSTU scientists, headed by the rector of the University, Ph.D, Professor S. Glagolev to Germany and several other European countries has been completed. The purpose of the visit was the establishment of contacts for joint action in the activities within the Framework Programme of the European Union for funding research and development, which have been successfully implemented in most EU countries since 1984. The delegation visited a number of the largest universities in Germany and the Netherlands, met with management located in Dusseldorf International Academy of Management and Technology «INTAMT», General Director of «LIMO» V.N. Lisachenko (scientific and technical enterprise engaged in the development and manufacture of laser equipment for various purposes), and representatives of other scientific institutions, industrial enterprises and construction organizations.


• During the visit of the delegation foreign scientists have learned about the main activities of the scientific community at BSTU, identified the points of interaction on problems of technological and material science character, which can be solved by joint efforts of scientists from Russia and Germany.
• As further discussions showed, in Dortmund, and other German and Dutch technical universities they know much about Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University,its scientific and educational opportunities, about the areas where  the leading scientists are working and existing scientific schools. Perhaps this circumstance was decisive, when the deciding upon the matter of inviting BSTU scientists to cooperate.
• Among the proposals for implementation of areas of interest to Western European scientists was "Geonics", a new research field, founded by one of the leading Russian scientists in materials science, department head for building materials, products and structures at BSTU, Doctor of Engineering ., Professor V.S. Lesovik. Valery Stanislavovich took part in the International Symposium of the leading materials scientists in Europe just two months ago, where he presented a report to the scientific community.
• In his November trip professor Lesovik performed an independent assessment of a number of buildings and structures of XIII - XX centuries and collected valuable data for future research on the composition of adhesives and composites used in the past centuries for masonry walls, studied the technology used by medieval architects in laying natural stone. The scientist focused on the existing monument of medieval architecture in Germany - Köln Cathedral, which has withstood through the time and natural disasters over the centuries and  still has well preserved its original appearance.
• During the business visit the agreements have been reached on joint research in the field of high technology with a well-known company LIMO Lissotschenko Mikrooptik GmbH, concerning the possibilities of participation of BSTU scientists in the European Framework Programme "Horizon 2020» («Horizon 2020"). In the near future a list of areas of joint research will be submitted to the German colleagues.
• Summarizing the above, it should be noted that the recent business visit of BSTU delegation to Germany and Holland has become the basis for further expansion of our business ties with major universities and business communities in Western Europe, which may be called as one more important step in our joining the European scientific and educational space.
                                                                                                                             Eugene Sostin



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