Independence Day of Angola


Our reference. Angola is often called a land of colors and picture painted by the nature itself.. Indeed, the colorful ocean, lush tropical forests near the Namib Desert. Gorgeous nature, untouched by human hands. All this cannot leave anybody indifferent. On the contrary, a rich and diverse flora and fauna attract more and more travelers and tourists. The coastal waters are rich in fish, shellfish, black whales. The country's capital is the city of Luanda - the largest industrial, cultural and financial center of the state. Angola remained a Portuguese colony from the 16th century until 1975, when independence of the country was declared: November 11 since then is celebrated as a national holiday.


BSTU has about 60 students – citizens of Angola. Away from home the young Africans preserve and respect the traditions of their country. And on this day of celebration they did not stay aside, giving us all a bright and colorful festival. The celebrations began in the entrance hall of the university, where young people had put a display of their country: books, toys, domestic currency, gifts, items of handcrafts and more. Appropriate music, interspersed with drumming created a special touch of the distant African country. Exciting songs and dances performed by the Angolan students aroused applause of numerous spectators both teachers and Russian students.


Alberto Silva Paulo - a student of the 5th year of the Institute of Power Engineering will soon return home as a graduate. And today - he is happy, because that really loves Russia, our university, which gave him not only excellent teachers, but also new friends. "I am happy that I get education at the university. Here it is comfortable, safe and very interesting. Today we are having a great holiday. And we celebrate it with you. "






The celebrations continued in the Students Art Centre with a concert, jointly prepared by the center of international education and cooperation BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov and preparatory faculty for foreign citizens.

                                                                                                                               Dmitry Nosachev



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