We need legal knowledge

This recognition of a foreign student become a subject of the committee meeting on crime prevention held in BSTU in early November. The event, which was attended by the Deputy Directors of Institute for educational work, the activists of the number of foreign students studying at BSTU. The Chairman of the commission is Deputy Rector for cultural and educational work, Dr. O.V. Puchka.


Oleg Vladimirovich drew attention to the issues of "inclusion" of foreign students in the social and cultural life of the university, as well as on the prevention of crime among foreign students. Often these disorders are associated with the fact that students from other countries do not have the necessary knowledge in the fields of law or etiquette, so they desperately need extra study to learn the culture of behavior in public places, in the dormitory at the university, in public transport. On behalf of the Board of affinity groups of foreign students, the chairman Ammar Abassi asked: "We are ready to cooperate with public organizations of the university, with the university administration. Help us! Where do we start? "



According to the Head of Security, S.M. Hlypalov, the order involves sanitary state, fire safety and discipline. Moreover, the requirements should be the same for both foreign and Russian citizens.
Such knowledge is necessary not only to foreigners but also to Russian students - agree deputy directors of the institutes. A special cycle of lectures will contribute to solving this important issue, which will be jointly organized by various services of the university. And meanwhile the students will be offered lectures and meetings with the traffic police, Federal Drug Control Service, the police office, the center of anti-extremism center for prevention of HIV infection. The Orthodox clergy will make its contribution to the prevention of crime.
O.V. Puchka drew attention to the fact that student groups should discuss these issues during extra-curricular meetings with a tutor. Moreover, the work should be coordinated. It is only by working together we can protect the young generation from negative actions.
                                                                                     Victoria Goryainova

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