Serbia- recalling the summer


 Last summer, a large group of students, post-graduates and faculty staff members of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov visited the World Economic Forum, which was held in the town of Soko Banya (Serbia).



One of the participants a post-graduate students of Financial Management Emilia Suprun shared her impressions, which became even brighter over time: "In the beginning of July, we had a wonderful opportunity to participate in the World Economic Forum, which brought together representatives from a number of European countries. Delegation from BSTU was the most numerous - 20 people! We made a presentation of the University, which proved to be bright and convincing.


One of the main topics discussed at the forum was the global financial crisis, and Europe's leading economists have expressed a variety of views. For us, post-graduate students, it was interesting to hear the opinion of professionals of the highest level, to take part in memorable workshops and business games. In particular, we had to take part in the "construction of the bridge." The Board of Judges were acting as "investors", this game helps to make the right financial decisions.
Then I participated in a summer language school in Belgrade, one group studied English, and the second - Serbian. The schedule was arranges t so that in the morning we attended intensive courses, and in the second half of the day were able to learn about the history and culture of Serbia. Serbia is a country having thousands of years history,  preserving remarkable works of art, culture and religion.
In our free time went to the Adriatic coast in Montenegro.



Such trips is not only a wonderful vacation, but also a great professional work, which allows for more of the new, to gain additional knowledge, make friends, meet with professional experience. I t was my fourth visit to Serbia.
Many thanks to the International Center for personnel training and skills development, and personally to Victoria Ryapuhina for systematic work being done to strengthen international educational links and unique opportunity to be in Serbia. "

                                                                                                                              Victoria Goryainova


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