Russian customs and traditions - beautiful and exiting


No matter how good the Russian winter is, closer to the end of February, one begins to count the days until the long-awaited spring. On some last winter days the temperature reaches has been just above zero centigrade. Farewell, cold! It is possible that tomorrow morning the birds sing - and finally it will be clear: "Spring comes, the spring of the road."
For a long time in Russia there is a wonderful holiday connected with the farewell to the winter and meeting the spring – Shrovetide (Maslenitsa) . The Festival gets its name because during this period of time - the last week before the Lent – it is permitted to eat butter, dairy products and fish.



On Saturday, February 25,  Shrovetide came to the foreign citizens at BSTU. More specifically, the students themselves had decided to join the festival, which was going on in the square in front of  Belgorod State folk art center. On that day, everyone could find something interesting to do. The foreign students immediately felt at home and rushed to take part in various competitions organized in the spirit of traditional Russian Shrovetide fun. Someone went to jump over the rope, someone joined a balloons battle on a log. In these games, the students participated together with the Russian students and schoolchildren , who also came to the feast. It should be noted how quickly schoolchildren and international students found a mutual understanding. And, of course, the foreign students took an active part in the Russian fun – a "conquest" of a column. After several attempts, "climbing the column" was a success, and the gifts went to the students.


Meanwhile, the clowns come on the stage and the show started. Lively songs and dance brought all the people into a cheerful mood at once. The historical club members demonstrated a historical reconstruction of the armor and weapons of ancient heroes, as well as methods of fighting with swords. The improvised fight was accompanied by noisy audience support.
At the end of the battle performance the game " Ivan’s Journey for the Bride," continued. The students in every way "helped" Prince Ivan search the princess, taking part in various contests and competitions. It was a competition both of intellectual character, and competition in courage and agility. BSTU foreign students won the competitions, for which they were given awards.




Well, what Maslenitsa without its main dish - pancakes! Sweet and hot pancakes could be taster by everyone for free at the festival for free. And in order to finally get rid of the winter the guests were offered warm porridge and hot tea.
Having eaten, our students went to the new tests. This time they were invited to test their strength and fight with swords with the ancient Russian warrior. Winter farewell ended with a breathtaking fire show with the traditional solemn burning of the stuffed figure of winter.
And despite the weather was not like in spring, one thing is certain: Spring has arrived of foreign citizens of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.


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