A Cooperation Agreement with a Canadian firm


Department "Traffic Safety Management" (Head, Assoc., Ph.D., I.A. Novikov) at Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov is one of the youngest at our university, that cannot interfere with its active development, constant improvement of academic and research process as well as promoting international cooperation. Recently, the Department staff has concluded an international cooperation agreement with Transoft Solution, a Canadian company.
Transoft Solution is a leading developer of specialized software for traffic management and infrastructure projects.
This cooperation is highly important for the in terms of getting the most up-to-date software which allows to conduct scientific research and solve educational tasks at the highest level. In particular, for making design projects of crossroads, roads sections with roundabouts, bus terminals, loading and unloading areas, or any other street and off street facilities, for which much importance should be paid to access roads, open spaces and maneuverability during the design verification process. A quite new approach is applied to constructing an optimal design for roundabouts using analysis of maneuvering vehicles. It takes into account traffic safety and provides feedback in real time. The software is intended for the design of new roads and redevelopment of the existing road junctions to simulate car traffic, develop geometric design and calculate safety.
The contract is focused on the use of the proposed specific solutions in research and teaching. Today the group of students specializing in traffic safety management: A Mikheyenko, M. Yablonovskii, M. Medvedev, S. Ustenko supervised by Ph.D., Associate Professor A.Borowski,  are conducting research, course and diploma projects using these software products. At the same time they are working on updating the Russian state standard database. This work is a kind of practice for students, which is carried out only on-line. An example of joint work can be a report on reconstruction of the yard area of a residential house in Belgorod, which focuses on increasing the number of parking spaces and improving traffic safety in the area.
Paying great attention to training, Transoft Solution is working with 80 universities in the world, having its subsidiaries in various countries. Thus the branch, which initiated cooperation with BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov is based in Holland. The company is planning to expand its operation in Russia and needs specialists with appropriate training level.
An on-line conference is scheduled for the next Sunday, which will bring students together, under the guidance of faculty members. Young people will discuss their plans to apply their knowledge and skills, and Alexey Borovsky will share his thoughts on how they will use the company provided materials and software in the learning process. It should be noted that the materials are in English and A.E. Borovsky independently translates them into Russian. This indicates a high professional level of the academic staff of the department.
Victoria Goryainova



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