Preparatory students celebrate holidays


On January 13 the students of the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens at BSTU celebrated the New Year by the old calendar style. The faculty staff decided to present a holiday for the students about which they had hardly heard something. Most of them first discovered the great Russian tradition of celebrating the Old New Year.


Old New Year tradition is rich. In smaller towns and villages on this day schoolchildren go out with the congratulations and greetings to the neighbors and return home late in the evening with the pockets full of sweets. Of all the generations of Russian tradition and popular model of the old New Year's dumplings with surprises. If you find bread or meat inside, it’s a sign of  nourishing life, a ring means a coming wedding, a coin predicts the riches.



The students of the preparatory faculty for foreign students had been informed well in advance of Friday, January 13, when they were going to do something quite special. And then came that day.
After classes the students and the teachers went together  to the hostel number 2, where, a few minutes after the preparation for the holiday in the kitchens was going on vigorously. The students who came to Russia from all over the world felt themselves a little bit Russian, when rolling out dough with the rolling pins for future dumplings. At this time, the teachers introduced the students the history and the tradition of celebrating the Old New Year in Russia. In the process of cooking dumplings it turned out to be that almost every country has its own kind of "dumplings", which made the atmosphere in the kitchen, even more friendly and relaxed.
At the appointed time dishes with fragrant and steaming dumplings were in the hall. Everyone could choose toppings to their taste. And, of course, no one was left without surprises - New Year's wishes, the diversity of which was striking.

With this the fun was not over. The girls were offered fortune telling: what kind of work will their future spouse have. The fastest and the most agile were competing in the contests and taking part in the games. In memory of this bright day, everyone will keep  hundreds of photographs and unforgettable experiences. And no matter everyone got different surprises, but all positive - this evening each person present believed that the new year was going to be happy.
The New Year celebrations have come to an end. Carefree fun was replaced by a rapid rhythm of everyday life.



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