Eurocement group is waiting for young professionals

An information booth of  "Eurocement group" (Moscow) was opened on September 14 at  BSTU Exhibition Centre.

Numerous visitors were able to learn about the scope of activity of this holding. 37, 5 million tons of cement per year, 16 cement factories in Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, 26 quarries extracting nonmetallic minerals, 1.8 billion cubic meters  of non-metallic materials reserves. The holding holds the 8 th position among major world cement producers ... The holding develops  high-tech solutions that contributes to the development of creative potential.

According to Elena Rudovsky, the Head of Public Relations and Protocol Office of closed Joint Stock Company “EUROCEMENT group :" The main purpose to install the exhibition booth at BSTU named after V.G Shukhov is to attract the students and young scientists to collaboration with such a large company engaged in the production of building materials. The holding is interested in joint activities with the university and is prepared to take an active part in the training process, research, implementation of innovative approaches. In its turn, the company is ready to provide their laboratory and manufacturing facilities, both for research activities and practical training.

We should mention the booth design under the name "Who holds the world”, with the elements and symbols of cement production. Stylish design is emphasized by a concrete bench, perfectly integrated into silver-gray interior of the stand. The orange color   creates a warm atmosphere to the background and attracts attention.

However the visitors are not attracted by appearance only. It is not accidentally that the booth was named as informational. It presents a variety of books, pamphlets, newspapers. You can sit on a concrete bench and learn about the  opportunities of the company , which offers to find application to your knowledge and professional skills. Therefore the holding company pays great attention to the modernization of the existing production capacities and implementing strategic plans for the construction of new cement plants to increase production and improve product quality. Chairman of the Board of Directors F.I Galchev is positive when saying: "The core of our business is professionalism, leadership and desire to be the driving force of industrial and social development.

 For us it is not just high style words, but our lifestyle. Speaking at the opening of the stand, the Vice-Rector, Prof. E.I Evtushenko said: «It is symbolic that the exhibition was opened after the Sate Council session, with the agenda to consider the problems of higher education. Let me express my appreciation to the holding company for active interaction with our university, which is carried out in such important areas as training, retraining and implementation of research results».

V.N Novikov, Director of the Belgorod Cement Factory, which is a part of the holding said: "The path of those who choose the cement engineering profession, can never be easy. BSTU students undergo practical training at our factory and we are aware of high level of theoretical knowledge they have. We are inseparably linked to our Belgorod State Shukhov Technological University and its scientists.

According to E.M Rudovsky: "Cement is an extremely demanded material, the development of the entire construction industry is directly dependent on the development of cement industry. We intend to promote our cooperation. We are ready to communicate".
Professor I.N Borisov, the Head of the department of technology of cement and composite materials, supported the guest and added the following: "The construction industry represents the largest branch of production. The government now pays much attention to the development of this industry. Today, when working at the enterprises of cement industry you must have the knowledge of innovative control systems, specialized areas and computer technology.

Professor V.S Bogdanov, the Dean of the Faculty of technological equipment and complexes, head of the department of mechanical equipment, continued: "My career started at Belgorod Cement Factory, and today, our department  continues its fruitful cooperation with this enterprise and other cement plants included into the holding.


The opening ceremony was followed by a meeting  which was attended by E.M Rudovsky, E.I Yevtushenko, I.N Borisov, V.S Bogdanov and V.N Novikov. They summed up the preliminary results of the activities undertaken within the framework of an agreement signed a year ago and have identified the activity areas that could unite both the producers and the scientists in the near future. In particular, the creation of a joint information portal and a virtual library, where all interested parties would be able to get the necessary information is under discussion.

Victoria Gorajnova 




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