The cooperation between Belgorod State Shukhov University and «Eurocement group» has been recognized as efficient

On September 14 within the framework of cooperation agreement between BSTU and closed Joint Stock Compaby «Eurocement Group» professor V.S. Lersovik, the first vice rector on research, innovative and international activity and Dr. E.I. Evtushenko, the vice rector on research work had a meeting with E.M. Rudovski, Head of Public relations and Protocol Office of the Department of Communications.

The above document was signed in order to maintain continuity and further development of Belgorod scientific school by means of  attracting the most capable Russian students, advanced training of scientific and pedagogical staff working at the University and its research institutes, engineering and technical personnel of high- technology profile companies and organizations of the Holding, as well as exchange of experience with the leading Russian and foreign scientific and educational centers. During 2009-2011, the parties has worked closely on three programs:  students training , retraining courses for the Holding staff and strengthening of scientific and technological capacity of cement industry.
The Representatives of the parties believe that one of the priority areas of joint cooperation is to prepare potential job applicants to the Holding - the elite teams of specialists and professionals meeting international standards in priority areas of science, engineering and technology.
Professor E.I Yevtushenko, Vice-rector for scientific work, told about the work which has been done during the implementation period of the agreement. BSTU specialists visited the enterprises included into to the holding company, where they conducted a course of lectures aimed at improving the skills of Eurocement Group staff, the parties signed contracts to conduct research, etc.
Evgeny Ivanovich noted that the university is interested in realization of joint scientific-educational and innovative programs, and Elena Mikhailovna confirmed Eurocement Group participation  in the financial support of the development of new teaching methods. The participants of the meeting
decided to supplement the Agreement number of paragraphs, aimed at upgrading the training and retraining programs in connection with the transition to a two-level education system. It is planned to create a joint group of long-term development of the University and the Holding Company with subsequent development of scientific-educational and design innovation center. The work in the field of interaction by information exchange and telecommunication with the further establishment of a joint website was also mentioned in the plans.
After the discussion, the representative of the Holding E.M Rudovsky summed up: "The work has been extremely efficient. Today we have discussed the objectives of high importance and come to the following conclusion: It is required to strengthen all the areas of cooperation this year to further implement all our plans with high degree of dignity."

Elena Hovhun


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