Summer students construction crews are working all over the country

On these days in July almost 2000 young people from all over Russia joined students construction crews to work at the sites in Sochi, including Olympic sport facilities under construction.

Some joint crews are engaged in pavement works on the direct highway between Adler and Kransnaya Polana, a large group of students is taking part in building the associated structures within the infrastructure approved by JSC  «Olympstroy» . «Udarniki» team (the production records setters), consisting of BSTU students are also working at the site.

— Students are accommodated in workers’ and youth camps. This year, the same as it was last year , the Employer took upon himself the accommodation fees, professional overalls and catering, — said Pavel Bogateev, a leader of all-Russian youth movement “Russian Summer Students’ Teams”, in his talk to journalists.

At some sites our students were successful, competing with self-employed builders (“gastarbeiters”). At the site with high degree of responsibility, located on the border line, the Employers are limited in rights, in the issues connected with foreign workforce. Here the students are working hard, carrying out the most complicated tasks.

In December 2009 Dmitry Medvedev signed a bill concerning legal status of a students’ construction team. According to Pavel Bogateev, «Last year, after inspecting the students’ teams in Sochi, the Russian President and other high-ranking people were discussing a regulatory act, which could give preference to the businesses, employing students’ crews, including bids and tenders. After this the President gave an instruction to take steps, so that the Contractors were obliged to employ students while conducting the works, funded by the state and form the local budget».

If we talk about places where our students work, we can mention Veliki Novgorod, a number of local businesses in Belgorodia and some of the teams joined the train conductors’ crews on the route joining St. Petersbourg and the Black Sea Coast.

Our reference

Today the students’ summer construction teams are joined into all-Russian movement “Russian students teams” (RST), which involves over 230 thousand young people coming form 72 areas of the Russian Federation. The current priority areas are as follows: construction, childcare, agriculture, services etc.

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