1st September, BSSTU

Every year on this day the first bell rings for million pupils, students, lecturers, pupil’s parents as a new academic year begins. Every year this day touches and give a special joy. The new skills and knowledges appear again and everybody wants this day to be the criterion of joy.

The first of September is very essential in Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University.

The sound of trumpets announced about the solemn ceremony devoted to the celebration of the Day of knowledge “Student youth is a pride of Russia!” The rector of BSSTU , Doctor of sciences, professor A.M. Gridchin was the first who greeted the first-year-students. He appealed them to value the very day of study in the University that is to take an active part in social life to do research work and sport.

According to the tradition the meeting was opened by raising the banner of the University. It was carried in by the best students of the University. They were the government grant-aided student of Russia A. Volodtchenko (IBM), presidential grant-aided student of Russia A. Kovaljov (EEI), the prize-winner of the Russian cointest “Student spring, 2009” O. Teleusova (post-graduate student of the department of sociology), the sport master of Russia of international grade Yu. Nosulenko (IME), The director of ABI, assistant professor of tech.sciences, professor I.A. Djogtev, the director of the institute nanosystems in the building science of material, doctor of tech.sciences, V.V. Strokova, the post-graduate student in section of nanotechnologies in building science of material Eu. Miroshnikov raised the University banner.

Graduates are the pride of the University. They successfully work at different structures of state management, industry, construction. More thatn 65% of directors and chief specialists of building industry enterprises are the graduates of our University. The chairman of united trade union committee of the University, the graduate of it, PhD (economics) I.P. Avilova congratulated the first-year -students and assured that they had made a right choice entering the BSSTU.

The directors of the largest enterprises and representatives of administration of Belgorod region appreciated University contribution into development of regional economics. The head of the youth management P.N. Bespalenko handed official document of honour to the stuff of BSSTU, congratulated the students and the lecturers.

The symbolic “key of knowledge” was handed by the first vice-rector on scientific activity and innovations, doctor of sciences, professor V.S. Lesovik. The great scientific potential based on the scientific process is created in our University. The first vice-rector on educational activity doctor of sciences, professor A.A. Rudytchev handed symbolic student permit to the forst-year -students.

In its turn the first-year-students took an oath to be real students of Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University. Placing flower on the monument to Shukhov, burning symbolic fire of knowledge, performing of creative groups and launching the balloons became a good tradition. All of this makes an indelible impression.

The holiday was kept on the meeting in the institutes and departments and sport competitions.

Victoria Goryajnova

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