Angolan students celebrate 34-th independence anniversary

As part of the 34th Independence anniversary celebration of the Republic of Angola, on the 10th November 2009, the Angola students studying in Belgorod universities in conjunction with the Centres for International Education and Cooperation of the universities (BSTU & BSU) and the Belgorod Branch of the Foreign Students Association ogranised various social activities to commemorate the occasion. The Republic of Angola obtained its independence from the Portuguese colonial rules in 1975 after a lengthy and fierce national liberation fight led by its ardent, first and former president Dr. Augustinho Neto.

Today in Belgorod, there are 30 Angolan students taking various courses in Belgorod State University and Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University, which they hope will help them forge further the development of their country into the 21st century. However being in Russia, these students don’t forget to remember the fight their parents went through to make life a little easier for them today. They try to express their happiness even far away from home. To indicate this, a folk and traditional art exhibition was organised in Belgorod State University to show the current development achievements of the country.

Besides this, the Department for sports and physical education, the Centre for International Education and Cooperation of Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University and the Belgorod Branch of the Foreign Students Association organised an interesting mini-football match between the Angolan and Russian students to mark the occasion. Though the football match was in favour of the Russian students the general atmosphere surrounding the match was really a friendly and sportive occasion for all the participants. The celebration ended with a grandiose party for the Angolan students and their local friends at the Plaza Club.

Written by Dr. Ray M. K. Atitsogbui

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