V Academic lecturing of RAASN

The V Academic lecturing “Nanosystems in building material science” takes place from the 29th of March to the 1st of April in Belgorod Shukhov State University. Representatives of the university, prominent scientists from russian research and educational institutions participate in this lecturing. Particulary, RASSN members, representatives of Russian Academy of Science, scientists from the Ukraine and many of russian regions including Moscow, Omsk, Lipetsk, Siberia, Caucasus and central part of Russia.

The special feature of this lecturing is celebration of anniversary of Yuri Mikhailovich Bagenov, member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Science, president of the uncommercial partnership “Inter-regional association of scientists and srecialists in the sphere of building material science”, professor of the concrete and binding materials technology department, Phd (technical sciences) of Moscow State Building University, honorary professor of our university. He made a lot for the development of our university, its advancement.

The lecturing was opened by the rector of Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University, PhD (technical sciences), Anatoly Mitrofanovich Gridchin. He told about the achievements of our university, greeted the members of lecturing.

The rector also congratulated Yuri Mikhailovich Bagenov and wished him success in his scientific activity.

People who were presented on the lecturing watched the film about the activity of Y. M. Bagenov whose contribution to the development of modern building material science is really inestimable. Prominent scientists, heads of departments of russian universities and manufacturers expressed their gratitude to him. They pointed out that their professional formation happened because of his scientific activities. In reply, Y. M. Bagenov thanked for the congratulations and mentioned that he took a legitimate pride in scores of talented scientists whom he trained.

That very day some lectures were read and discussed.


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