Tour of the university for the representatives of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Sultanate of Oman


During the interviews with Belgorod mass media Dr. Abdullah M. Al Sarmi, undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education and Sergey Nikolaevich Glagolev, the rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shoukhov pointed out the interest of both parties to the development of cooperation in the education sphere. Particularly, H.E., Dr. Abdullah M. Al Sarmi noticed, that the university has made favorable impression, therefore, in the near future, 10 citizens of the Sultanate of Oman will become students of BSTU named after V.G. Shoukhov.

During the excursion around the university, the honored guests visited the laboratories, the mechanical equipment department, where they could see unique computer equipment, successfully used by the future specialists. It was a pleasant surprise to attend a lecture delivered in English to the students from Kuwait. The lecturer - professor, doctor of science (technology) Sharapov R.R. 

The member of the delegation could see the students of architectural faculty, in the process of computer drafting. The important visitors from the Sultanate of Oman had an opportunity to be present in an auditorium, where the defense of the graduation theses was taking place. Dr. Abdullah M. Al-Sarmi, the undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education the was interested in the subject of the thesis and wished good luck to the graduate.

The members of the delegation could familiarize themselves with the activity of German-and-French culture and language centre.

The visit to the university museum made a special impression on the guests.
After that the route followed to the section of “Nanosystems in construction material science”


                                  Public relations Department, BSTU named after V.G. Shoukhov


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