Flagship university - the implementation of new plans for the benefit of the region

In March 2017 BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov was among the universities - the winners of the competition for the establishment of flagship universities. Interview with the rector of BSTU Prof. S.N. Glagolev.

About the challenges faced by the university

One of the most important tasks facing the flagship university is establishment of a high technologies college which is focused on training personnel for high-tech industries as part of the programs of secondary vocational education. It will provide training of the complex occupations which are important for the regional economy. Governor Yevgeny Savchenko believes that it is important to make decent conditions for young professionals, talented, ambitious graduates in order to create jobs needed.

About university achievements and ratings

The University is one of the top 100 higher education institutions in Russia. Our university recently has a good growth in the rating positions. In June the Moody's Interfax Rating Agency «Interfax» was published. According to the results, BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov rose more than 50 positions and in the general rating is on 29-31 place. According to the rating of the RAEX (Expert RA) agency BSTU has risen 7 positions compared to last year and takes 60th place.

About cooperation with the region

BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov is the driver of the regional economy development. So, during the period of 2017-2020 it is planned to implement about 90 investment projects involving the university with a total investment volume of over 160 billion rubles. And it will require the employment creation up to two thousand annually.

On the university plans to implement the program of flagship universities

The national competence centers in the field of cement, glass and ceramics technologies, effective composites, as well as construction and automation were already implemented at the university. There are the Center for High Technologies, the Center for Innovation and Design, and a number of scientific laboratories. It is planned to modernize the educational process and establish an effective system of training professionals, increase the training volume and ensure the demand for postgraduate and graduate programs, provide both a broad qualitative education and the implementation of training programs for the elite of the region through the funding of the «Flagship university» program. The establishment of a children's technological university with in-depth study of the exact sciences and engineering school is planned.

Our main goal is to retain talented specialists in the region. It is necessary to become a center for the implementation of social programs and projects to achieve this objective. To give young people an opportunity to practice in entrepreneurial activity.

About small innovative enterprises

The University has more than 100 small innovative enterprises. For example, «Innovative composite astringents for the construction of buildings and roads», «Development and manufacturing of the parametric housing matrix for the racing car HYPERBOLOID 1», «Information technology factory», «City parking», «Information system of educational services «Virtual School» , «2do2go.ru Unified information space in the sphere of mass cultural, entertaining and educational events». One of our projects - an automated dispatch control system for distributed power supply and life support facilities for buildings - was the winner of the Challenge Cup in 2016.

About the educational process

The University consists of 9 institutes and 42 departments. Graduates are trained in 37 areas of bachelor's degree, 11 specializations, 27 master degree programs and 15 postgraduate study programs. The educational process includes interactive systems, remote access laboratories, distance learning courses, on-line technologies. Teaching facilities and scientific laboratories are equipped with modern equipment. The program of strategic development is successfully implemented in the university.

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