Interview with Professor Sobolev (USA, Wisconsin)

In November 2017, honorary professor of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences, the head of the Department of Construction and Environmental Protection at the University of Milwaukee (Wisconsin, USA), Professor Konstantin Gennadyevich Sobolev paid a two-day visit to the university.

- Konstantin Gennadyevich, what is the purpose of your visit?

- We are working together on a BRICS project within the framework, which is aimed at developing new materials for construction, including transport construction. Three countries are involved in the implementation of this interesting project: India, China and Russia, and each country is doing some part of this project.

The second purpose of my visit is to discuss the establishment of two international academic journals. Both of them will be included in all international databases. The journals will be published in Russian and in English.

The second international academic journal will be published in cooperation with the Chinese and Indian scientists. The publication will be in English with an annotation in Russian and Chinese.

- Please tell us a little about yourself: where did you study and obtain university degree?

- I studied at NRU MGSU, graduated with a degree in «Civil engineer». After graduation, I worked in a factory of reinforced concrete pipes in Moscow. After that I did postgraduate studies at SRC named after A.A. Gvozdev. In 1993 I defended my thesis «High-strength concretes with mineral additives». After that I worked in different research organizations in Turkey, Cyprus, Mexico. Now I work as the head of the Department of Construction and Environmental Protection at the University of Milwaukee (Wisconsin, USA).

- How do you assess the education level in Russia and how does it differ from the American one?

- I estimate the level of Russian education quite high, because I also graduated from Russian university. The American education system is distinguished by educational programs, the number of hours, the initial preparation of prospective students. Engineers, fundamental specialists are better trained in Russia.

- What are the main results of your current visit to the university?

We discussed one of the research areas, clarified its program, provided detailed planning. We also discuss joint articles.

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