Congratulation of the rector of Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov Sergey Glagolev on the Day of Russian Science

Dear friends!
I congratulate you on the bright and interesting event - the Day of Russian Science!

Science is the fundamental part of training future engineers. During the education process, students of technical universities can contribute something new for the first time. However, our modern scientist is a man who not only conducts scientific research, makes scientific discoveries, but also offers innovative solutions for the development of his region and whole of Russia. This is consistent with the President's Decree on the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development, whose implementation is designed to ensure the link between science, business and the state.  And this is particularly relevant for such universities as ours, which included in the federal program for implementing the priority project «Universities as innovation creation space centers».

Throughout the course of 2017, BSTU scientists were strongly involved in a number of projects that allowed them to become noticed and gain public recognition and support for Russian Foundations. More than 4,000 students and young scientists took part in research and development, almost 2,500 abstracts and articles were published, 570 research works were sent for the in competitions and almost 300 works received awards. 17 graduate and post- graduate students were awarded scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation for high achievements in scientific activity, and 27 scholars and students were awarded a scholarship of the Government of the Russian Federation. Young and already well-known scientists received presidential grants to continue their scientific research.

Dear friends! Our university has created all conditions for the creative realization of each of you, for carrying out scientific research in a wide range of areas, accomplishing scientific discoveries and transforming innovative ideas. Go for it, be proactive, contribute to the development of science, the region, the country. And we will provide you with all the necessary support.

Happy holiday, Happy Russian Science Day!

Rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, Doctor of Economics,
Professor Sergey N. Glagolev

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