Evgene Ivanovich Evtushenko

Evtushenko Evgeny Ivanovich graduated from the Belgorod Technological Institute of Building Materials in 1981.

Theme of the Ph.D. thesis: "Development of the fundamentals of the technology of the fuel-plasma method of producing lime and portland cement clinker" (1987). Subject doctoral dissertation: "Management of the structure formation of building materials using thermal activation of raw materials" (2005).

Experience in scientific and pedagogical work at the Belgorod State Technological University named after V. G. Shukhov is more than 30 years old.

Direction of scientific activity: technology of ceramics, materials science, high-temperature technologies, technologies of building materials, activation processes, management of structure formation. Published more than 200 works, including 17 copyright certificates and patents.

Under the supervising of E.I. Yevtushenko submitted 7 master's theses. He is the chairman of the dissertation council D 212.014.05 (specialty 05.17.11 "Technology of silicate and refractory non-metallic materials" and 02.00.11 "Colloid chemistry"). He is a member of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on ceramic materials. He is a member of the expert council on regional competitions of the Russian Federal Property Fund, is the chairman Expert Council of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research in the Belgorod Region. The editor-in-chief of the scientific and technical journal Vestnik of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov is also a member of the editorial board of the magazine Refractories and Technical Ceramics.

He reads the author's lecture courses in the disciplines "Theoretical Foundations of Materials Science", "Fundamentals of Structural Dynamics", "Activation Processes in the Synthesis of Composites".

Evgeny Ivanovich is the winner of the All-Russian competition “Engineer of the Year” (2006) in the nomination “Ceramic Production”, a member of the editorial board of the scientific and technical journal “Refractories and Technical Ceramics”. Chief editor of the scientific and technical journal "Bulletin of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov. For achievements in the field of vocational education, since 2010 he has been an Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, for many years of conscientious work, and a significant contribution to the development of higher professional education, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Evtushenko E.I. In 2014 he was awarded the badge "Honorary Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation."


Tel.: (4722) 55-41-61, tel. ext .: 17-91

Е-mail: eveviv@intbel.ru


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