Irina Pavlovna Avilova

Avilova Irina Pavlovna was graduated  Belgorod Technological Institute of Building Materials named afetr I.A. Grishmanov (now - BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov) in 1984 with a degree in Industrial and Civil Engineering. At BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov has been working since 1987, she startedas assistant to the department to vice-rector of the university.

From 2003 to 2015, she headed the primary united trade union organization of the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, is a member of the regional committee of the trade union of workers of public education and science of the Russian Federation, a member of the coordinating council of chairmen of the primary trade union organizations of workers of universities of the Central Council of the trade union. For the period from 2003 to 2012, headed by I.P. Avilova, the primary trade union organization of the university was three times listed on the regional Board of Honor of the Alley of Labor Glory of the Belgorod Region in the nomination "The best trade union organization and its leader" (2004, 2009, 2011).

In 2007 she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences in the specialty 08.05.00 - Economics and management of the national economy. She is an author of 28 educational and educational publications, 5 monographs, 130 scientific publications.

More than 50 scientific publications, 25 textbooks, 5 monographs, including the best Russian scientific book of 2009 according to the National Education Development Fund, was included in the XV volume of the Russian Architectural and Construction Encyclopedia RAASN (2013). Research interests include risk management in real estate appraisal and management, optimization of organizational and technological processes in construction, efficiency of government investment programs.

In 2007, Irina Pavlovna organized the Department of Expertise and Property Management, initially in the form of a section of the Department of PGGSH, and since 2009 the department has become a separate division of the Institute of Architecture and Construction. From 2009 to March 2015 she was the head of the department of expertise and real estate management.

She was awarded the FNPR jubilee medal for the 100th anniversary of Russian trade unions (2005), a diploma of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers of the Russian Federation (2007), the distinction "Honorary Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation" (2009), an honorary diploma of the Governor of the Belgorod Region (2012), a commemorative medal of the President of the Russian Federation "XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi", gratitude for active social activities, participation in the implementation of the state youth policy in the city of Belgorod and in connection with the All-Russian Youth Day (2016), a diploma from the Ministry of Education and Science for a great contribution to the implementation of the state youth policy (2016). Winner of the competition "Student asset" in the nomination "Vice-Rector of the Year" (2016), Certificate of honor of the Administration of Belgorod for active social work, participation in the implementation of the state youth policy in Belgorod (2020), Medal "For contribution to the implementation state policy in the field of education "for significant achievements in the field of education and many years of conscientious work (2021), Certificate of Honor of the Governor of the Belgorod Region (2022).


tel. (4722) 55-63-00, tel. ext. 18-17


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