Academic Council

The Academic Council was established in order to make joint decisions about main issues of the educational, research and administrative and economic work of the higher educational institution.

The Academic Council coordinates administrative and economic activities, as well as the actions of the university academic staff, which provides the training of highly qualified specialists on the basis of an natural combination of the educational process, research work and practical training of university students.

The members of the Academic Council are elected at the conference of the staff and approved by the University Rector order for a period of 5 years.

Chairman of the Academic Council —
Sergey N. Glagolev

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Rector of BSTU

Евтушенко Евгений Иванович
Deputy Chairman of the Academic Council —
Evgeny I. Evtushenko
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Дуюн Татьяна Александровна
Academic Secretary of the Academic Council —
Tatiana A. Duyun
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


Authorities of the Academic Council

  • Considers amendments and supplements to the University Charter;
  • Approves the university structure, as well as the functions and administrative subordination of units and services;
  • Considers and makes decisions on the issues of educational and scientific work;
  • Conducts the hearings of the rectors reports and heads of university divisions;
  • Elects directors of institutes, heads of departments;
  • Considers the issues of the replacement of the teaching and scientific staff, the appropriation of the titles of the professor, associate professor;
  • Solves the issues of creating and abolishing institutes, departments, laboratories and other structural divisions;
  • Defines the direction and procedure for the use of production and social development funds, including the scholarship fund;
  • Considers and makes decisions on the most important issues of production activity, economic and social development of the university;
  • Approves the Regulations on the procedure for conferring the honorary title: "Honorary Professor of the University";
  • Allocates financial resources between institutions and other departments;
  • Decisions of the Academic Council are taken by a majority of the present members of the council and come into force after signing them by the rector – the chairman of the Academic Council.

On the basis of the decisions of the Academic Council, seven permanent commissions were established and approved at the Academic Council in all spheres of the university work:

  • Commission for educational, organizational and scientific work;
  • Commission for Scientific and Technical Work and Implementation;
  • Commission on Informatization;
  • Commission for the Social Protection of Students, Teachers, University Staff and Retired Employees;
  • Commission on cultural work and dormitories maintenance;
  • Commission for the innovative projects evaluation;
  • Commission for Integrated Security.

The Commissions analyze the state of affairs, prepare proposals and supervise the implementation of decisions in the field of activity entrusted to them.

Contact details

Secretary — Glazkova Lubov Alekseevna, tel. 55-45-51, switchboard 14-51

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