
I Generalities:

II Admission to a university for study

Persons, who have document on secondary (full) general education, secondary professional education or primary professional education in the presence of general secondary (full) education, can enter on the first curriculum. Persons can enter on the first and the subsequent curriculums if they have incomplete high professional education, standard academic information on incomplete high professional education or standard diploma degree. The University is entitled to declare admission of citizen in the presence of license. The university must acquaint of entrants with Charter of BSTU named after V. G. Shukhov, license, certificate on accreditation for each specialization, which has right on issue of high professional education diploma degree. Examination of entrants of accreditation certification selected specialization or lack this one is fixed in admission documents and attested by the entrants signature.

III. Educational activity

Student deduction for the disrespectful reason is realized by Head of Department Order. Deducted student must be notify about it, 2 weeks before deduction Order sign.

IV Research activity of the university

  1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V. G. Shukhov (BSTU named after V. G. Shukhov) is High Professional Education State Educational Establishment (higher educational establishment) of federal subordination, which realize high, послевузовского, additional, professional educational programs.

    The full official name is High Professional Education State Educational Establishment «Belgorod State Technological University named after V. G. Shukhov».

    Abbreviated name is BSTU named after V. G. Shukhov.

    University location (legal, real address): 308012, Belgorod, Kostyukov Street, 46.

  2. University was found as Belgorod Technological Institute of Building Materials according to Decision of USSR Council Minister dated by April,29, 1954 № 797 and according to order of high and specialized secondary education Department USSR dated by June, 15, 1970 № 419. Belgorod Technological Institute of Building Materials was renamed in Belgorod State Technological Academy of Building Materials according to State Committee of High Education RF dated by April, 29, 1994 № 355.

    Belgorod State Technological Academy of Building Materials was renamed in State Educational Establishment of high Professional Education«Belgorod State Technological University named after V. G. Shukhov» according to Ministry of Education RF dated by March, 27, 2003 № 1249.

  3. This version of Charter BSTU named by V. G. Shukhov is new version of Belgorod State Technological Academy of Building Materials Charter, which has registration in Belgorod Registration Chamber on the Mach, 25, in 2002, № 144.

  4. Government RF is constitutor BSTU named after V. G. Shukhov. Ministry of Education RF realizes authority (hereinafter referred to as Constitutor. Constitutor location is 115988, Moscow, Lyusinovska Street, 51

  5. The University is legal person. It has own property, independent budget, bank accounts opened for calculations of expense operations, income activity money. It has also currency account in banks and loan institution, official stamp RF with full name, own forms, stamps, logotype, banner and emblem.

    University is in entrance to sign a contract on its own behalf, to get a property and non-pecuniary personal rights, to perform, to be claimant and respondent in court.

  6. The University acts on the basis of Сconstitution RF, Federal Lows, Edict of President, Government, Government of Education, Belgorod region Authorities, Local Authorities, High Educational Establishment of High Professional Education Standard Position, this charter and others legal documents.

    University has a right upon educational activity and commissions of legislation RF after getting a license. University gets right to take State diploma degree after State certification confirmed by license.

  7. The University includes different departments for studying and training of specialists. It can has branches, representations, Research Departments, Design Agency, Postgraduate Department, Doctorate Department, Additional Professional Education Department, cultural activity, training courses, industrial and social objects, hostels and others Departments.

    Institutes and Research Institutes as Department can be organized on the base of University.

  8. The University forms the structure by itself, besides foundation, reconstruction, reorganization, and renaming and branch cancellation. All University Departments are found according to Academy Council decision.

    The Representation BSTU named after V. G. Shukhov are created and canceled by University according to, executive authority RF, local authorities. The University Branches are created according to Executive Establishment RF, local authorities by Constitutor on site of the branch.

    The branch can accomplishes all the University function or part of its.

    Representation is University representative. It protect University interest, but doesn’t accomplish Educational, Research, Economic, Social and other activity by itself.

    The Position of Structural Department determines Status and function of University.University position of structural Department is accepted by University Academic Council and confirmed by rector.

  9. Structural Departments are not legal entity. By University Academic Council decision the structural departments have authorities of legal entity fully or partly according to warrant. The rector singes a warrant.

  10. Branches have found on the base of the University and realize activity as separate structural departments. They are follows:

    1. Gubkin Charter of Higher Professional Education State Educational Establishment Belgorod State Technological University named after V. G. Shukhov, by order of Ministry of Education RF dated February 14, 2002 № 466 was founded as Gubkin Charter of Belgorod State Technological Academy of building materials and then in compliance with Ministry of Education RF order dated March 27, 2003, № 1249 was renamed. It locates in Russia, Gubkin, 13a Dobrolubov str.
    2. Djadkovo Charter of Higher Professional Education State Educational Establishment Belgorod State Technological University named after V. G. Shukhov, by order of Ministry of Education RF dated February 14, 2002 № 466 was founded as Djadkovo Charter of Belgorod State Technological Academy of building materials and then in compliance with Ministry of Education RF order dated March 27, 2003, № 1249 was renamed. It locates in Russia, Djadkovo, 7a Karl Marks str.
    3. Northern Caucasus Charter of Higher Professional Education State Educational Establishment Belgorod State Technological University named after V. G. Shukhov, by order of Ministry of Education RF dated February 14, 2002 № 466 was founded as Northern Caucasus Charter of Belgorod State Technological Academy of building materials (Mineral Water city) and then in compliance with Ministry of Education RF order dated March 27, 2003, № 1249 was renamed. It locates in Russia, Mineral Water, 24 Zheleznovodskaya str.
  11. The main University tasks are:

    1. Satisfaction of personal needs to develop intellect, culture and moral with higher and postgraduate professional education;
    2. Satisfaction of society and nation needs in masters having higher education and teaching staff of higher qualification.
    3. Arrangement and realizing basic and applied investigations, also scientific-technical and development works, including educational problem;
    4. Accumulation, saving, increasing social values, such as moral, culture and science;
    5. Expansion knowledge’s among population and increasing their educational and cultural level;
    6. Forming peaceable position, ability to live and labour in modern civilization and democracy environment among the students.

    Educational University tasks are result humanistic mode of education, priority universal values. It is realized with joint study, scientific, creation, industrial and social actions students and teachers.

  12. The University organizes protection of secret and information according to requirements of legislation RF.

  13. The University organizes activity, which links with realization and providing with preparedness activity arrangement, civil defense, prevention and elimination of emergency according to requirements of legislation RF.

  14. BSTU named after V. G. Shukhov and the branches having can realize educational program of primary professional, secondary professional higher professional education and appropriate postgraduate and additional professional education also.

    University activity for the sake of these programs (including design of citizen admission requirements, educational content and educational process arraignment,outputting of educational certificates, предоставление прав, social warrants, exemption for students and employees) is regulated in compliance with legislation RF, conformable type educational establishment standard positions.

  15. Relations between Ministry of Education RF and BSTU named after V. G. Shukhov are established by contract in clauses, which are not accommodated by this charter.

  16. University can deputize for establishment and organization constitutor for all organizational and legal structures besides national ones at the expense of the university budget.

    University has rights to associate in unions, which are organized and act in compliance with noncommercial organization legislation RF.

  17. The University has autonomy and self-sufficiency to adopt a decision and act according to the Charter.

  18. We can’t to organize political parties, social, political and religion movements and organizations.

  19. Admission to a university for study is realized in compliance with admission rules accepted by Academic Council BSTU named after V. G. Shukhov and designed by the University on the base of Legislation RF and admission rules. These ones are accepted by Ministry of Education RF. Admission rules for study on the base of educational program of primary professional education, secondary professional education, and additional professional education are designed and stated in compliance with conformable type educational establishment standard positions.

  20. The following persons can enter to the university:

    • russian citizen;
    • foreign citizen;
    • persons without Russian nationality, but living in Russia.
  21. Admission to the university is accomplished on the basis of the entrance examination under personal statement .The most talented entrants trained for study are entered on the basis of competition. This study is educational program of specified level and (or) degree if it isn’t in legislation RF.

    The categories of citizen provided for by legislation RF can be accepted hors concurs subject to successful examination.

    Admission examination is in English.

  22. Founder accepts the terms of intrants document reception for day time study.

  23. During entrance examination and enrolling the selection committee, subject examination committee and appellate committee are organized. Committee formation system, committee membership, authority and activity of this committee are regulated by positions which the rector approves.

  24. In compliance with legislation of RF the university Academic Council determines admission system for foreign citizens.

  25. Annually within requests the Ministry of Education RF determines account of budget posts and admission system for the intrants.

  26. Within statutory requests the university can allocate posts for target admission on the agreement basis with state and municipal authority. It can organize single competition for these posts, using preliminary courses.

  27. In compliance with legislation of RF in educational field the university is in entrance to realize citizen admission on the commercial basis beyond statutory requests. While, general count of students can’t be more then it is in the educational activity license. Limitation of students on transfer to other educational programs or type and transfer to high educational establishment of study is established in study contracts with full indemnity.

  28. General requirements to arrangements of educational process in BSTU named after V. G. Shukhov according to education programs of different education standard established by legislation of RF.

  29. Different education standard programs are adapted with different modes. It tells by units for studies (full-time, correspondence, external and extramural education) or combination education.

  30. The arrangement of education process in BSTU named after V. G. Shukhov is regulates by curriculum for studies and syllabuses for all study forms. Which are worked out and approved directly by University on the base of Higher Professional Education Standard and others corresponding documents, confirmed by Ministry of Education RF. The curriculum and discipline programs are advisory. The Executive Establishment RF, local authorities and education control can’t to change the University curriculum after approval their, instead the case, which prospect by legislate of RF.

  31. By the solution of BSTU named after V. G. Shukhov Academy Council, the term of study can be for students, who have secondary professional education same specialization or high professional education and also students, who can get high professional education for more short time.

    Training on these terms approves the Ministry of Education RF.

  32. Education programs at the University are realized as per corresponding education levels or continuously subject to their relation.

    Terms of mastering education programs of different level are determined in compliance with corresponding standard positions or state education standards.

  33. Terms of mastering basal education programs of high professional education are at the most 5 year to get «Licentiate» qualification except for the case, which prospect by State Education standards.

    Terms of correspondence and extramural education and also combination education can increase till 1 year comparing with full-time education terms under solution of University Academic Council.

  34. The Academic year starts on 1st September for all education forms. It includes two terms, which finishes by exams and then holidays. In case of urgency the University Academic Council has entitle to carry over one at the latest two month. Terms of start and finish of academic year for correspondence students are determined in compliance with curriculum.

    The training is carried out in compliance with syllabus. The period of hour for all study types is 45 minutes. The start of study and break time are established according to rules of BSTU named after B. G. Shukhov.

  35. Follows type of studies in the university is established: lections, consultation, seminars, exercises, laboratory work, test paper, oral examination, written test, practice, course project, degree paper. Other type of study can be established in compliance with Academic Council decision.

  36. The university creates conditions for mastering of educational program with certain level and certain orientation.

  37. The necessary lessons for day-time students can’t be more than 27 hours a week. Physical training and elective classes are organized additionally. General study hours for day-time students are 54 hours a week (9 hours a day besides weekends and holidays).

  38. There are holidays at most 7-weeks, including winter holidays at most 2-weeks for full-time, correspondence, external and extramural students. Terms and period of holidays for each course are established with training schedule approved by rector. The activity students when the training which no concerning education process are forbid.

  39. The University estimates the quality of education process with assessment of academic progress control, progress accreditation for student and result accreditation for graduating students.

    At the University there are such progress accreditation as credit and exam, which are determined in compliance with academic curriculum of specialty. The result of progress accreditation estimates with mark «very good», «good», «satisfactory», «poor» (differential rating).The results of progress accreditation with undifferentiated credits. Differential credits also can be according to Rector Order.

    The credit can be as the result process study control.

    The exam is carried out orally or in writing.

  40. For academic year should be enough 10 exams and 12 credits for progress accreditation of students. Additionally students have physical culture tests and elective tests.

    External students have 20 exams at the most for academic year. The credits are organized according to schedule within academic term approved by Head of Department.

    The Rector (pro-rector) approves schedule of exams. Test time is within academic curriculum. In compliance with Rector Order the exams can be organized before examinations. For revision students have three day at list.

    The Academic Council approves progress accreditation Position.

  41. The absence from exam without good reason in compliance with schedule is equivalent to fail this one.

    The commission is entitle to examine by Head of Department decision. Head of Department is entitle to change of examiner if good reason is.

  42. Transfer of students to another course is realized at good academic year examination in time by Head of Department. If student gets High Education at the expense of University for the first time it’s forbidden to collect money for reinstatement and transfer to another course. Transfer to another Higher education establishment is realized in compliance with Order of Ministry of Education RF.

  43. The University takes plan nd approves the curriculum personally for each student. It’s depending on prior training and ability these one.

    Study with individual plan and specialize training allows graduate by external form without change in ordinary training.

  44. Student who has done the curriculum requirements has opportunity to examination.

    It is compulsory. It realize after the full mastering of education program. For graduating students the resultant accreditation is realized by certification committee in compliance with governmental certification Position, approved by RF Ministry of Education. It is Students who graduated certification educational programs of professional education and have resultant accreditation can take degree diploma

  45. Student having «very good» for 75% of subjects at least and «good» for remained ones and having excellent resultant accreditation get an honors degree.

  46.  Student deduction is accomplished by the rector order:

    • on graduating from the university;
    • upon personal application, and also in compliance with transfer to other high educational government or for health reasons ;
    • for breach of study discipline;
    • for specialization schedule breach;
    • for breach of obligations, which are provided with this Charter
  47. The study at the University is in Russian.

  48. Students, who didn’t complete education program of higher professional education, but have good progress accreditation (for two academic year at list), they can have incomplete education diploma. Students, who didn’t complete the basic education program of higher professional education, they can have academic certificate.

  49. Graduates and students, who left the University before the graduation, they take certificate on secondary education. The official copy of documents on secondary education is saving in the University archive. Other documents such as credit book, student card, enter and deduction order records are saving in privacy of each student.

  50. The University provides an conductive learning environment. It’s forbidden to apply antihuman and dangerous to life way for study.

  51. There are follows missions and subjects of university research activity:

    • to develop sciences with research and creative activity of teachers and students;
    • to improve the quality of engineer training with involvement of students to research work, introduction of research result into the studying process;
    • to prepare highly-skilled personnel;
    • to develop the resource base of research;
    • to serve research work with information and intellectual property; to promote to teachers, research stuffs and students with legal protection and legalization of intellectual property;
    • the university legal protection and legalization of intellectual property;
  52. There are follows main research areas are accepted by Academic Council:

    1. energy-saving and resource-saving, environmentally appropriate production technologies of high quality building materials, things and constructions and for building construction;
    2. physical and chemical bases of building and architectural sciences; scientific base of structure formation of building materials with specific properties;
    3. creation of modern equipment, mechanical and automatically aids for production of building materials;
    4. development of building theory, methods of durability calculation, design and improving building constriction of the new and reconstructed building and construction, which increase the comfort and safety of life activity;
    5. design and development automated material design principles, methods, means, processes, technologies, equipment for building material industry and construction; informatization of education.
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